November begins with the Feast of All Saints, reminding us that we are surrounded by powerful prayer companions on our own journey to Heaven. We invite you to join us for Holy Day Mass on Monday, November 1 at 5:30 p.m. followed by a soup supper and exposition of Sacred Relics. Click on the event title for more information.
Live auction held at Dubuque County Fairgrounds to benefit Mary's Inn Maternity Home, sponsored by Knights of Columbus Councils in Dubuque County area. Doors open at 10 a.m. with auction starting at Noon. Lunch also available.
Join us the weekend of October 23/24 to celebrate Deacon Bill's 35th anniversary of Ordination and to thank him for his service to our parish. A reception will be held following each of the weekend Masses.
Come, Holy Spirit! Celebrate along with our confirmadis on Wednesday, October 6 as they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Mass will be livestreamed at 6 p.m. and available for future viewing as well.