Father Dave takes a moment to talk about how we are all called to be catalysts for our faith. He also talks about the great example Gary Anglin set for each of us as a catalyst for St. Columbkille.
Here you can find this Sunday’s Readings, songs and hymns chosen by our music ministers, Father’s homily, some petitions for us to offer together to God, the Spiritual Communion Prayer and a prayer for during this pandemic.
Join us each Thursday at 12:45pm to enjoy daily Mass with a homily and songs geared towards children. The new YouTube link will be shared each week on Facebook and here on the parish website.
Ayla shows us the worship space she made at home and gives us some ideas for what we can do in our own homes during this time of isolation. Join St. Columkbille tomorrow for a livestreamed Mass for kids! You can find it at https://youtu.be/1_DAZyqEoWo
Father Dave takes a moment to talk about Jesus saying "peace be with you" in this Sunday's Gospel and how important it is for us to give that peace to others.
Fr. Dave takes a moment to talk about what Mary Magdalene and her experience with the empty tomb can teach us about receiving joy this Easter. Happy Easter!