Anointing of the Sick will be offered after ALL Masses the weekend of March 12-13.
Who is Sacramental anointing for?
Anyone suffering from a serious or chronic illness or facing major surgery.
A recurrence of major illness may be a cause to be anointed, even if anointing has previously taken place.
Old age with physical weakness is reason for anointing even if no serious illness is present.
Small children may be anointed if they understand they are ill and can ask God for help.
Youth contending with debilitating anger, depression, or anxiety; emotional or psychological distress, especially if it is ongoing, are certainly reasons to approach Christ the Healer in this Sacrament.
Anointing is not primarily for the dying. The sacrament is meant to strengthen those who are facing a serious life change or challenge because of illness, and to assist them by providing spiritual reinforcement.
Those who would like to receive will be invited to remain after Mass for the ritual.
Also, with fewer priests available in the city, it is often difficult to find a priest free to go anoint the sick. Please know that we want to share this gift of Grace with those seeking it, and please do call when you need it! But, if you or your loved ones would arrange to receive it at non-emergency times, or when you know surgery is coming, you and they will have more peace of mind should you not be able to reach a priest at a moment of crisis.